electricity bills

The Ministry of Power and Energy has said that electricity will not be cut off from today (16). Due to the increase in the electricity bill, it has been informed that the electricity will not be cut off because the necessary fuel can be purchased and the electricity supply can be provided continuously.

After many debates, the Public Utilities Commission yesterday approved the increase in electricity tariffs by 66% and the Ministry of Finance has informed that a decision will be taken in the future about people who have financial difficulties to pay the electricity bill.

The new electricity tariff revision is effective from yesterday (15).
200 units have increased electricity rates by 32%. The increase in the electricity bill of a house using 90 units is 248%.


According to the new electricity tariff revision, the electricity bill of a house that uses 60 units will increase by 276% and the electricity bill of a house that uses 30 units will increase by 261%.

How the increase in electricity bill changes is briefly as follows.

Rs 360 bill before Rs 1300 for used house of 30 units
60 units used house before Rs 680 bill forward Rs 2,560
90 units used house Rs 1800 upfront bill Rs 4430

How the increase in electricity bill changes is detailed as follows.

In respect of the original 30 units of houses, the current fee of Rs.8 per unit will be increased to Rs.30. That is almost a threefold increase. Its fixed fee will be increased to Rs.400.

For houses with 31 to 60 units, the current rate of Rs 10 per unit will be increased to Rs 37. That is almost a fourfold increase. The fixed fee in that category will be increased to Rs.550.

Under the category of 61 to 90 units of houses, the current fee of Rs 16 will be increased to Rs 42. That is more than three times more. The fixed fee of that category has been increased to 650 rupees.

No change has been made in the existing fee of Rs. 50 for the category of 91 to 120 units and for the category of 121 to 180 units as well as the current fee of Rs. 75 for each unit above 181 units.

But from 91 to 120 units and from 121 to 180 units the fixed fee has been increased to Rs.1500.

For religious places and shrines, the fee of Rs.08 per unit for the first 30 units has been increased to Rs.30. That too is almost a four-fold increase. Under the category of 31 to 90 units, the price of a unit which was 15 rupees has been increased to 37 rupees. That’s more than a doubling.

For religious places and shrines, the fee of 32 rupees charged for each unit above 180 units has been increased to 50 rupees.

For religious places and shrines, the fixed fee of Rs. 90 for the first 30 units has been increased to Rs. 400, the fixed fee of Rs. 120 for the category of 31 to 90 units has been increased to Rs. 550, and the fixed fee of Rs. 1500 for the category above 180 has been increased to Rs. have

Under the first category of 300 units for the industrial sector, the fee of 20 rupees per unit has been increased to 26 rupees only.

For the industrial sector, the fixed fee of Rs 960 for the first 300 units has been increased to Rs 1200 and the fixed fee of Rs 1500 for every industry above 300 units has been increased to Rs 1600 only.

For public works, hotels and government institutions, the price per unit for the first category below 180 units has been increased from 25 rupees to 40 rupees, and for the category above 180 units, the unit fee from 32 rupees has been increased to 47 rupees.

For public works, hotels and government institutions, the fixed fee of Rs. 360 for the first 180 units has been increased to Rs. 1,000, and the fixed fee of Rs. 1,500 for categories above 180 units has been increased to Rs. 1,600.

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